- (00353) 870981642
- Daraghan, Fintown, Co. Donegal, Ireland
- mariongavinmail@yahoo.ie

Choose our "Meadowsweet" place as a base for many activities in the area: Right in front of our doorstep you find nearly endless posibilities for walking and hiking including the Way marked Sli Na Finne walking way. Climb one of the hills or enjoy a walk to one of the local lakes.
Or enjoy a day out at one at the many beaches only half an hour drive from us like the blue flagged Narin beach.
Tour the Slieve League cliffs, Europe's highest and most spectacular sea cliff, or discover Glenveagh National park with it's beautiful lake and castle.
In Fintown you find Donegals only operating railway, a restored 5km section of the former County Donegal Railway along the shore of Loch Finn.
Last but not least enjoy one of the many music festivals and sessions in the area where fiddle playing and traditional music play a great role.
Glenveagh Castle
Glengesh Pass
One of Donegals many beaches in the area
Glenveagh National Park
Loch Finn with the Fintwon train
During one of the festivals in the area
Winter-time in our hills
On top of Aghla mountain overlooking Fintown
The long stretch of the Bluestack mountains as seen in late autumn
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