- (00353) 870981642
- Daraghan, Fintown, Co. Donegal, Ireland
- mariongavinmail@yahoo.ie
Meadowsweet Herb Garden and Lodge is a family run business in the heart of Donegal in the hills above Fintown. Many years ago, when we used to travel the length and breadth of this lovely Island we came to the shores of Loch Finn and fell in love with this beautiful spot, its culture and people. We knew this is the place where we wanted to settle and nowhere else! A little later we were "lead" to this woodland area on the foot of Aghla mountain, where at the time there was only an old cottage and some sheds. With the addition of the Wonderly Wagon and our Lodge we are now able to share this spot away from the hustle bustle of city life with you, our guests! It's here where we also grow a lot of our own veg and herbs in surrounding gardens and where we grow and produce "Meadowsweet Tea".
Meet the "Meadowsweet Family":

Gnó teaghlaigh as croílár Ghaeltacht Thír Chonaill is ea Luibhghoirt agus Lóiste Meadowsweet (Meadowsweet Herb Garden and Lodge) atá suite sna cnoic in aice le Baile na Finne. Le linn ár dtréimhsí ama ag taisteal ar fud an oileáin fíor-álainn seo thángamar ar bhruach Loch Fhinne agus thug muid grá ár gcroíthe don cheantar aoibhinn, a chultúr agus a dhaoine.Bhí a fhios againn láithreach bonn gur anseo a chuirfeadh muid fúinn. Ina dhiaidh sin tháinig muid trasna ar cheantar faoi chrann ag bun an Eachla, áit ina raibh teach beag traidisiúnta agus cúpla foirgneamh feirme. Chuir muid lenár n-áiseanna lóistín Wonderly Wagon agus ár Lodge agus anois tá ar ár gcumas an áit aoibhinn álainn seo a rannt libhse, ár n-aíonna, i bhfad ó ghleo na cathrach. Fásann muid mórán glasraí agus luibheanna anseo agus is anseo fosta a dhéantar Tae Meadowsweet a fhás agus a tháirgeadh.